Just Between Friends Eagan/Apple Valley CONSIGNOR REGISTRATION
We help local families clean up and cash in on all the things their children no longer need (or want). Our average seller makes over $300 and you can too, by following the simple steps outlined below.
To Sell:
1. Sign up or sign in to your JBF Tagging Account, check the consignor box for the sale.
2. Prepay your Consignor Fee, choose your drop-off & pick-up times and complete the JBF Eagan Consignor Waiver. Consignor Registration Tickets are NON REFUNDABLE. If you decide not to consign, you will lose this fee.
The key to your success as a consignor is to tag high quality items that are clean and have all pieces included. Price your items in the sweet spot of 1/4 to 1/3 of retail and if you allow your items to reduce on the last day of the event, you will see a significant jump in your sales. Consignors earn 60% on sales at JBF.
As a Consignor, you can attend the presales. Your name will be on a list at the door. Each Consignor will receive a presale pass emailed after drop off for you to invite a guest to shop before doors open to the public. Come shop at the sales! Cash and credit cards accepted as forms of payment at the sales.